
Myzone Fitness Tracker

Healthy Life Styles created at Go Girl Physique

Myzone Fitness Tracking Software for weight loss and fitness at Go Girl Timaru.

The Myzone Fitness Tracking Software is a real game-changer for our women at Go Girl Timaru.

At Go Girl Timaru we embrace new technology to ensure our members are receiving the very best the fitness industry has to offer to enable our women to lose the weight they desire or to achieve a higher level of fitness and wellbeing for themselves.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to stay on track with your weight loss journey is the knowledge that someone is right there with you experiencing the same hurt as you are. When you exercise with a group, you are more likely to encourage each other and to push a little harder (to increase intensity, for example) than you might do on your own. The group can bring out your competitive side and spur you on.

Myzone is a fitness tracking software and is equivalent to having a workout buddy anytime of the day– and it’s amazing! Get real-time feedback during exercise and save your workouts. Complete heart rate challenges, fitness tests and share your workouts with your team here at Go Girl Timaru.

We have a monitor at our gym so you can see how your workout rate compares with other Myzone members. And yes it can be very competitive for that top spot – and that’s a great thing. You are benefiting by being pushed and so are all the other Myzone participants.

“If you don’t have your monitor on, the workout doesn’t count. Seeing your effort and calorie burn in the Myzone App is the best motivation after a good workout!”

Effort is different for all of us. When we work out, we should be rewarded for what we put in Myzone Effort Points (MEPs), tailored to how hard your heart is working, not to your fitness level. This is a great leveler and has made competing fairer. Our Warrior Goddesses are currently using the Myzone software, and for these ladies, it is an integral part of their workouts. Heart rates, calorie burn, and physical output can be read in real-time. No cheating here!

If you want to know more about our Myzone fitness software, speak to one of the team today, we would love to get you on track with your very own Myzone Tracker!