
Supporting the menopausal woman at Go Girl Timaru

Menopause help at Go Girl Timaru

At Go Girl Timaru we (being women ourselves) are on the journey through a woman’s life stages with you.

We know that exercise is vitally important at any stage of life. Yes, I agree, life as a kid we did’nt even think about if we were getting enough exercise as we had our life filled with activities, and even just playing kept us exercising to some extent.

However, as we move through life we have to purposely put aside time to look after ourselves by way of going to a great gym like Go Girl Timaru, getting a decent run, or walking into our day. Many women have purposely exercised all their lives and this comes in handy when we approach the menopause age.

“Lock Her Up!”

Did you know by the Victorian era, women’s reproductive health in general and menopause, in particular, were the focus of deep distrust. Physicians believed that there was a link between the womb and the brain, making all women susceptible to insanity. – We have come a long way since those days!

With Go Girl Physique being a women’s only gym, we are acutely aware of these changes we see with our ladies – Menopause. 

Over time we get asked by many members how to exercise through this stage.  With so many hormones and altering chemical levels within a menopausal woman, even the best of us need to seek medical advice on how to get ourselves through this weird time. 

Although one thing is for certain – regular exercise is one of the top recommendations.

Essentially – it is about MOVING 

Keep up with going to your workout classes at Go Girl Physique.  

If you are new to adding exercise into your day try brisk walking, jogging, biking. If you’re a beginner, start with 10 minutes a day and gradually increase the intensity and duration. Strength training. Regular strength training can help you reduce body fat, strengthen your muscles and bones. 

Weights – start with bodyweight exercises to build bone health – why not take advantage of our Warrior Goddess program, where we make sure you are technically doing them right.  You need to think about whole-body exercises – like a squat to press or lunges with sidearm raises. If you haven’t ever really done sets of bodyweight exercises before build up gently from 1 set to 2 to 3 sets of 8 – 10 reps.  Then gradually progress to adding dumbbells.

Pause+ Life Change at Go Girl Physique

Pause+ Life Change is a purpose-built solution for women who want to cope better with their menopause journey.
How are you feeling? Do you ever stop and think about this? Or are you too busy putting others ahead of yourself?

Regain control of your weight and menopause symptoms with a scientifically evidenced Life Change programme in association with one of the world’s leading women’s healthy aging researchers, Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD) and Lizelle Pelser, your Pause+ Coach.

Being a bit weird together.

This is one of the main benefits of belonging to a women’s only gym. You can be safe in the knowledge that you will not be the only one experiencing menopause. There is 100% chance that everyone in our gym will go through menopause. The clincher is, we all experience it differently and at different ages.