Welcome to the home page of our Warrior Goddess Programme. Over the past months the team and gym at Go Girl Physique have been undergoing change. Changing the way we do things and evolving into a facility and social space where South Canterbury women feel supported in achieving the goals they desire for their health and wellness. We have identified that one of our most successful programs at our gym is the “Body Blitz”. We have analyzed, dissected and reformed the Body Blitz program to what we are now calling “Warrior Goddess” a celebration of what women are and want to aspire to in a “Post Covid World.”
Our programme has evolved since the highly successful “Body Blitz” programmes, as it is a clear fact that when clients are accountable and can measure what difference their efforts are making – they strive harder to better themselves for the next follow up. Enhancements in technology and connectivity has really benefited the fitness industry and we are now able to offer more ways to reach your targeted goal. Be your own super hero and become a warrior goddess today!
As per our Mission values, our vision is to engage, empower, and support all women in our community to achieve a healthier, happier lifestyle.
In order for the warrior goddess program accessible to more women We’ve added a new framework with three options for you to pick from. These three pillars are designed to give the women of Timaru more flexibility and options to become a warrior goddess!
Being a Women’s Only Gym we are also sympathetic to a woman’s changing body especially coming up to, being in, and post menopause.
Read on to find the right Pillar for you – Gold, Silver or Bronze