
Which weight loss program is best for me?

Start your weight loss goals with Go Girl Timaru

If you are reading this, then weight loss has been on your mind for some time.

But just how do I go about it?

  • I don’t like exercising.
  • I don’t know what I should eat
  • Everybody will look at me in the Gym
  • I am a yo yoer – I can’t stick to a diet.

We hear you! 

Go Girl Physique has been helping women just like you through the various stages of the weight loss journey. For some women just picking up the phone to make an appointment with us is a very scary thought. 

But there is good news!

As Go Girl Physique is a women’s only gym, you will feel less intimidated because we are all on various stages of our weight loss journeys. Our women’s gym supports women to overcome their real fear of stepping through those doors and joining us. 

Yes, there are a lot of options on how to go about weight loss. However, we have a winning program that has been proven time and time again.

The Warrior Goddess Program  

Our Warrior Goddess program is geared for successful weight loss and fitness. 

It has evolved since the highly successful “Body Blitz” programs, as it is a clear fact that when you are accountable and can measure what difference your efforts are making, you will strive harder to better yourself for the next follow-up appointment with one of our dedicated trainers.

We have embraced the enhancements in technology in the way of our 3D scanner to measure you in a way you have never been measured before. We also use Mizone for extra motivation within your team of weight loss warriors.

Which food for weight loss?

A common question when starting out on your weight loss journey. Fortunately, our past and present members have felt exactly the same way. Meal planning is a key factor to keep to your weight loss goals. 

But what kind of meals am I planning?

We have a dedicated page to assist you on which foods are affordable, easy to get, and best of all replace calorie-rich meals with fewer calories. Check out our recipe book  here

You’ll need patience and persistence, and we will give you constant encouragement to hit your goals. The only secret to successful weight loss is knowing the plan. Our team of professional trainers will give you a program that best suits your body needs.