
Woman’s Day NZ magazine article for Go Girl Timaru

Personal Trainer Carolyn features in Women’s Day NZ article for weight loss with Go Girl Physique

Nothing is more motivating than a weight loss story such as Carolyn’s. Now a personal trainer and Gym Manager at Go Girl Physique.

Here at Go Girl Timaru, we not only focus on transforming bodies but also on inner transformation. When you sign up for one of our programs – especially the Warrior Goddess Program, our team supports you on your journey to achieve your weight loss goals by accountability.

We believe this is why many women fade away in their training programs. We all need a bit of support from time to time and this is what our WG program does best! Along with making new friends and cool, intensive workout sessions.

Womens Day NZ  was right to publish this article on Carolyn back in August 2015. It may have been Zumba that kick started Carolyn’s weight loss journey, however now Timaru Women get to experience more refined programs to acheive weight loss.

Timaru women are encouraged by a weight loss story such as Carolyns’ and it is something to celebrate and appreciate every time you rock up to one of Carloyns classes. Fantastic inspiration that you too can achieve your goals.